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SZcable China | I-CCA SZcable International


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  • I-Flat Copper Wire
    I-Flat Copper Wire

    Izinzuzo: Ibonisa ukusebenza okuphezulu kukagesi kanye ne-thermal, okuyenza ilungele izinhlelo zokusebenza ezinzima ezidinga ukudluliswa kwamandla okusebenzayo. Ukungalungi: Izindleko nesisindo sethusi singakhawulela ukusetshenziswa kwayo lapho isabelomali noma isisindo sicindezela ...

  • I-Hot-melt Self-bonding Wire
    I-Hot-melt Self-bonding Wire

    Izinzuzo: I-Hot-melt self-bonding wire inikeza inqubo elula njengoba ibopha phakathi nesigaba sokuma ngaphandle kwesidingo senqubo ehlukile yokubopha. Lokhu kungabizi kakhulu futhi kusetshenziselwa ikakhulukazi amadayamitha ezintambo angaphansi kuka-0.200 mm. Isicelo...

  • I-Alcohol-soluble Self-bonding Wire
    I-Alcohol-soluble Self-bonding Wire

    Izinzuzo: Lolu hlobo lwentambo lubonakala ngesendlalelo sebhondi esenziwe sasebenza esincibilikisiwe esinikeza ukumelana nokushisa okuphezulu kunohlobo lwe-hot-melt. Ifaneleka kahle izinhlelo zokusebenza ezidinga amakhoyili ezwi nama-cup motors, futhi iboshelwe kusetshenziswa i-methyl a...

  • Iribhoni leSoda Lezinga Eliphansi
    Iribhoni leSoda Lezinga Eliphansi

    Advantages: Designed for use with sensitive materials that cannot withstand high temperatures, low-temperature solder ribbons offer compatibility with modern solar cells and reduce the risk of thermal damage during the soldering process . Disadvantag...

  • I-MBB (I-Miniature Binding Post) I-Round Solder Ribbon
    I-MBB (I-Miniature Binding Post) I-Round Solder Ribbon

    Advantages: MBB round solder ribbons enhance cell and module efficiencies due to improved light utilization and reduced shading losses, leading to increased module power output . Disadvantages: The manufacturing process can be more complex and costly...

  • Iribhoni yokuxhumana
    Iribhoni yokuxhumana

    Advantages: Interconnection ribbons are designed to reduce optical losses and improve the overall performance of solar modules. They can increase the module's efficiency by reflecting more light onto the cell . Application Fields: Used in solar modul...

  • Ibha Yamanje Yokuqoqwa (noma Ibha yebhasi)
    Ibha Yamanje Yokuqoqwa (noma Ibha yebhasi)

    Advantages: Essential for directing the current generated in solar cells to the module's external circuit, current collector bars are typically made from conductive materials designed to minimize resistive losses and maximize power output . Applicati...

  • Iribhoni leSolder elingunxantathu
    Iribhoni leSolder elingunxantathu

    Advantages: The triangular shape is designed to optimize light harvesting, with studies showing an advantage in optical performance compared to standard interconnector ribbons and round wires, potentially increasing module efficiency . Disadvantages:...

  • Iribhoni yeSolder
    Iribhoni yeSolder

    Izinzuzo: Amaribhoni e-solder abalulekile ekudaleni amabhondi avikelekile futhi aqhubayo ekuxhumekeni kwamaseli elanga. Atholakala ngezinto ezihlukahlukene kanye nokwakheka ukuze afanele izinhlobo ezahlukene zamaseli elanga namamojula, kuhlanganise nezinketho ezingenamthofu f...