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Low-Temperature Solder Ribbon

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Low-Temperature Solder Ribbon

Advantages: Designed for use with sensitive materials that cannot withstand high temperatures, low-temperature solder ribbons offer compatibility with modern solar cells and reduce the risk of thermal damage during the soldering process .

Disadvantages: They may exhibit weaker adhesion to the cell surface compared to high-temperature solders, which can affect the mechanical strength of the solder joint .

Application Fields: Primarily used in the interconnection of silicon heterojunction solar cells where low process temperatures are required .

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Advantages: Designed for use with sensitive materials that cannot withstand high temperatures, low-temperature solder ribbons offer compatibility with modern solar cells and reduce the risk of thermal damage during the soldering process .

Disadvantages: They may exhibit weaker adhesion to the cell surface compared to high-temperature solders, which can affect the mechanical strength of the solder joint .

Application Fields: Primarily used in the interconnection of silicon heterojunction solar cells where low process temperatures are required .

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