The future of our cars is changing fast, and electric cars are the driving force! These are nothing like the cars your parents or grandparents drove. Electric cars are new and special and very different from old cars. Unlike other cars, they don't use gas. They rely on electricity to move, making them ultra-cool.
Electric motors are awesome, really, no kidding. They have fewer components than the engines of gas automobiles. That means, they don’t break as often, and they require less repair. You know when you drive an electric car, its super quiet. Unlike other cars, you won't hear loud sounds. It’s almost as if you’re gliding over a paved road.
The motor uses something known as magnets. Others hold the magnet in a stationary position inside the car. Some magnets are powered by the car's battery. Once the battery puts out electricity, the magnets begin to move. This unique action allows the vehicle to go forward further. Imagine, a magical dance of electricity and magnets (actual forces of nature) in your notebook!
Most automakers are working on electric cars these days. They know these cars represent the future. Electric cars are better for our planet. They don’t create dirty smoke that is bad for the sky. Driving an electric car helps keep the earth clean and healthy. This is like a great big, friendly hug for the planet!
These vehicles can travel long distances on a single charge. They will accelerate quickly and ride incredibly smoothly. Other businesses are striving to further improve electric motors. They want to make cars able to drive farther and faster. Electric cars will be all over the place, and they could take a radically different form than what we see today.
Our attitude to the act of driving is also being transformed by electric cars. They show us it’s possible to build cool, fast cars that aren’t bad for the planet. Children today may spend their growing years in a world in which most cars are electric. Isn't that exciting?
So the next time you see an electric car; never forget how beautiful they are. Not only are these cars vehicles; these are the future of transportation! They help heal our planet, they are fun to drive, and they illustrate how clever we humans can be when we get busy solving problems.