People do need special helpers when they build things that use electricity. Like superheroes have superpowers, wires have different jobs! So today, we are going to discuss about two types of wires that are something exciting: CCA wires and copper wires.
Think of a wire as a sandwich. The interior of CCA wires have a unique structure. They're aluminum in the middle — that's the bread, and a thin wrapping of copper around it, that's the super delicious filling. These wires are kinda cool tho and help out a lot of money savers.
Stalwart copper wires also show up for the party! Copper wires are a worker’s friend when fixing electricity. But here’s why they are so dope:
Wires are sort of like a special road created to carry electricity from point A to point B. Not all wires are good for this job. Copper wires are smooth highways that allow electricity to travel fast and safe. CCA wire would be more like traveling on the back roads — you can get where you want, but probably not as efficiently.
Electricity is a type of magic which powers our lights, computers, and toys. The wires are the special roads on which this magic can travel safely!
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