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SZcable চায়না | CCA SZcable ইন্টারন্যাশনাল

ds 1ln6u w cca

Ever wondered about all those strange codes and symbols you see around you all day? These codes appear on many goods, one interesting example is DS 1LN6U W CCA. Today, we’ll find out more about this particular mystery. Shenzhou Cable is also one of the famous cable manufacturers, they have their own special product with such unique code. We share some important “secrets” about what this code means! So, let's figure out what does this code DS 1LN6U W CCA means?

DS 1LN6U W CCA may seem like a mouthful of jargon at first glance. But in practice, it’s not as difficult as it sounds. But this code can mean different things, and every letter and number give us very important information about the cable. Here’s what each part of that code means:

Cracking the Code of DS 1LN6U W CCA

Let's begin by all the parts of the code is what it means before we can jump on what functionality does DS 1LN6U W CCA has. This cable is intended for transmission of data in low voltage conditions. On the other hand, it has two wires that make the data go both ways and have a bidirectional communication. The technology with CCA in the wire aids in lowering the material costs but still ensures the cable performs well.

The cable is highly durable due to its polyurethane jacket. That means it can survive in harsh environments without getting damaged easily. This cable is resistant to hot, cold and wet! The shielding also helps prevent external interference. This is significant, enabling data to move quickly and accurately, marking the cable as suitable for high-speed data transfer.

Why choose Shenzhou Cable ds 1ln6u w cca?

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